
Bedroom Makeover on a Budget

Are your kids constantly begging for a bedroom makeover? Or does your master bedroom suite need a little facelift?

Before you wave your hands and say, “no way, I don’t want to spend the money”, bedroom makeovers don’t have to break the bank. They can actually be done inexpensively as long as you are willing to get your hands dirty. And when I say dirty, sometimes that only means being able to hold a can of spray paint and nail some artwork onto the wall.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when designing your new budget bedroom:

1) When starting your bedroom makeover, start with an inspiration piece. It can be something that is already in the room that you want to keep or it may be a piece of fabric you fell in love with. This will help shape your entire space.

2) Take an inventory of all the pieces you have in the space — Headboards, nightstands, dressers, etc. If they are still in good shape, think about what color you would like them to be for your new space. A can of spray paint can do wonders and it will only cost you $6.

2) Choose a paint color. Changing the color of the walls can completely transform a space for just $30 (depending on the quality of paint you purchase).

3) Visit your local thrift store for additional furniture pieces, old frames, wall art and lamps. You can even purchase fabric for decorative pillows, curtains or accessories.

4) Shop the clearance sections at your favorite home decor stores. Search for items that can be recycled into something new, turn a $2 shower curtain into curtains or use a tablecloth as a rug. Think outside the box!

5) Make it your own.  While you want your space to be cohesive and have a flow to it, it doesn’t have to be matchy matchy. When upcycling old furniture and shopping at the thrift store, look for pieces that complement each other. They don’t have to be a perfect match.

Don’t think it can be done? Check out these fabulous budget bedroom makeovers.

    • $150 Guest Bedroom Makeover from
    • Vintage Revivals. See how she did it here.

    • Pamela from
    • PB & J Stories provides a great breakdown on how she achieved this amazing bedroom transformation. To see her shopping list and DIY tips and tricks click here.

    Are you ready to tackle your bedroom? I know I am!

    Taryn is wife, mom, freelancer and blogger and the owner of 

    Design, Dining + Diapers. On her blog, she shares tips for decorating on a budget, craft tutorials and allergy-friendly recipes. There is a little something for everyone! You can find her on , , and !

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