Posts Tagged "DIY"

Dollar Store Easter Egg Transformation

Dollar Store Easter Egg Transformation

Hi All! It’s Taryn from Design, Dining + Diapers. Last time I was here I shared 20 Decorative Easter Egg Ideas, and I’m proud to say I finally created my own for this year! I was so inspired by all…

Upcycle Your Own Cupboard Serving Tray

Upcycle Your Own Cupboard Serving Tray

Hey you guys! We are so excited to be back and share the perfect addition to your dining room that’s easy, inexpensive to create and just so cute. Without further adieu, we’d like to share our tute for an upcycled…

St. Patrick’s Day Entertaining Must-Haves

St. Patrick’s Day Entertaining Must-Haves

Hey party people! St. Patty’s Day is right around ye ole corner (the Irish say “ye,” right?) and if you’re planning on doing any kind of entertaining, here are a couple of items that would help. This rubber stamp is…

Pinterest #Fail

Pinterest #Fail

Hey party people! We’re beginning a new feature here on At Creative Home. It’s called, “Can You Relate?” I’ll post a statement or share a story and you let me know if you can relate. I asked the Parties for…

Fun & Easy Valentine Ideas for Kids

Fun & Easy Valentine Ideas for Kids

Hello everyone! Happy Fat Tuesday. I’ve been in a whirl wind of meetings and haven’t had a chance to pop in and say hello in awhile. How is it already Valentine’s Day?   I feel like I just wished you…

Personalize Your Party Favors

Personalize Your Party Favors

Happy New Year! Hope 2013 is off to a great start for you! This year is already starting with a bang, or should I say a bell? Wedding bells, to be exact. In April, my sister (and best friend) is…

Refresh Your Room with a Stenciled Lamp Shade

Refresh Your Room with a Stenciled Lamp Shade

One of my favorite things about Fall is that—every year—I fall back in love with my house. The cooler temperatures, without fail, put me in the mood to rediscover the joys of home ownership. I find myself once again eager…

Halloween Dessert Idea {Whoopie Pies}

Halloween Dessert Idea {Whoopie Pies}

Heading to a Halloween party and not sure what to bring? No need to fret. Here’s an impressive treat that will trick the guests into thinking it took a lot of time and a lot of money! Cupcakes, cake pops,…

Thrift Store Tray Makeover

Thrift Store Tray Makeover

  I went to the thrift store last week and came upon a $2 wooden tray with a neat shape. It was in need of some work, but I knew it could be special. Here’s what I did with it: Isn’t it…

Thrift Store Lamp Makeover

Thrift Store Lamp Makeover

I’m a gal who does a lot of decorating, and most of my decor comes from thrift stores. (You can see one of my fave thrift store shopping sprees here.) Thrift stores are a fantastic place to find cheap decor. If…

DIY Dollar Store Fall Pumpkin Centerpiece

DIY Dollar Store Fall Pumpkin Centerpiece

I’m obsessed with Fall, and I love Fall decor. However, the orangey-reds of Fall don’t really suit my blue-gray-beige house. I’ve always been on the lookout for Fall decor that works with my house’s colors, but years have passed, and…

Finding Your Fall Style

Finding Your Fall Style

Finding Your Fall Style Now that we are half way through September, it’s time to start packing away the summer decor and bringing out those autumn leaves and pumpkins (if you haven’t already)! One thing about seasonal decor is that…

DIY Jewelry Organizer

DIY Jewelry Organizer

There are two things you should know about me: 1. I’m obsessed with jewelry. 2. I’m obsessed with organization. Knowing those two things about me, you would assume I organize my jewelry, right? Well, I have a confession. For years,…

Bedroom Makeover on a Budget

Bedroom Makeover on a Budget

Are your kids constantly begging for a bedroom makeover? Or does your master bedroom suite need a little facelift? Before you wave your hands and say, “no way, I don’t want to spend the money”, bedroom makeovers don’t have to…

Easy Hello Welcome Sign

Easy Hello Welcome Sign

  We love signs.  We love paint and wood and saws and designing, everything to do with sign making.  Some of you may not know this but we’ve been making signs for over 6 years now.  We used to go…

DIY wood chevron frame

DIY wood chevron frame

  In case you missed our last [big news] post, and to help keep them flowing fairly regularly, we’ve recruited our sissy’s to guest for us whenever they’re being crafty. Btw, did you know we are 1 and 2 of 5…

DIY Felt Board from a Recycled Frame

DIY Felt Board from a Recycled Frame

  We’re loving the last few lazy days of summertime but we can only swim until noon before the water is warmer than the temperature outside- true story! I had to think of a way to keep the kiddles entertained…

Kitchen Cabinet Chalk Paint Makeover

Kitchen Cabinet Chalk Paint Makeover

I firmly believe in making the best of what you have. What I have is a very small kitchen. But after a few weeks of elbow grease, about $25, and a pint of chalkboard paint, I can finally say loud…

Thrift Store Chair Makeover

Thrift Store Chair Makeover

Let’s talk birthdays. For most girls, a birthday involves getting a snazzy new outfit or maybe a trip to the spa. But no, oh no, not me. I get chairs from thrift stores. Oh, and by the way, to me,…

Makin’ Old Furniture Fancy with Stencils!

Makin’ Old Furniture Fancy with Stencils!

Hello everyone! I am just THRILLED to announce that my little blog was featured on Better Aftertoday! It’s my biggest feature yet, and it’s allowed me to share my Home Office Makeover with so many new people! I’m just so excited to have so many…