Posts Tagged "Home"

Alternatives to Traditional Wreaths

Alternatives to Traditional Wreaths

For some, Holiday decorations begin at the front door.  A wreath can say a lot about your style. While there are numerous greenery filled lovelies for the season, here are a few alternatives that might have your guests saying “Hello!”…

Things I Love… And Other Observations.

Things I Love… And Other Observations.

I love New York City. There’s just nowhere else on earth like it. The energy. The fast pace. The millions of interesting, unique people. I love it. It really is one of my happy places. It’s where I go for…

Easy Hello Welcome Sign

Easy Hello Welcome Sign

  We love signs.  We love paint and wood and saws and designing, everything to do with sign making.  Some of you may not know this but we’ve been making signs for over 6 years now.  We used to go…

DIY wood chevron frame

DIY wood chevron frame

  In case you missed our last [big news] post, and to help keep them flowing fairly regularly, we’ve recruited our sissy’s to guest for us whenever they’re being crafty. Btw, did you know we are 1 and 2 of 5…

Kitchen Cabinet Chalk Paint Makeover

Kitchen Cabinet Chalk Paint Makeover

I firmly believe in making the best of what you have. What I have is a very small kitchen. But after a few weeks of elbow grease, about $25, and a pint of chalkboard paint, I can finally say loud…

Thrift Store Chair Makeover

Thrift Store Chair Makeover

Let’s talk birthdays. For most girls, a birthday involves getting a snazzy new outfit or maybe a trip to the spa. But no, oh no, not me. I get chairs from thrift stores. Oh, and by the way, to me,…

Makin’ Old Furniture Fancy with Stencils!

Makin’ Old Furniture Fancy with Stencils!

Hello everyone! I am just THRILLED to announce that my little blog was featured on Better Aftertoday! It’s my biggest feature yet, and it’s allowed me to share my Home Office Makeover with so many new people! I’m just so excited to have so many…


We are beyond thrilled and excited to be sharing this new blog with you! Welcome to Creative Home, a new online destination for inspiration and trusted advice on “building a beautiful life.” Creative Home is a home and lifestyle blog filled…