
Style Watch: Emerald Green

11 days until Christmas. Not that you needed me to remind you that Dec. 25th is almost here. I see you and your crazy Elf-on-the-Shelf, Chippy. You two are working overtime. There’s shopping, baking, ornament-making. You’re all over it!

I love the holidays SO super much, but I thought it might be fun to procrastinate on my holiday shopping take a breather and look ahead to 2013. You may have missed some big news (in my little world at least) in all of your running around. Color genius Pantone recently announced the 2013 Color of the Year. More on that in a second, but first I must say a proper goodbye to 2012′s  Pantone standout, Tangerine Tango.

Dear Tangerine Tango,

We had a lot of fun, you and me. I loved wearing you as nail polish this spring. Like the sun, you brightened up my tablescape this summer. I even bought a new coat that showcased all of your wonderful warmth this past fall. But alas, I’ve moved on. These things happen. Just ask your pals Honeysuckle, Turquoise, Mimosa, and Blue Iris… and who could forget 2007′s Chili Pepper.


Sorry for the weird love letter to a color, but I really was a fan of all things Tangerine this year. But… that’s not keeping me from going green in 20-13. (I love it when I rhyme.)  Pantone 17-5641 Green to be exact. You probably know her best as Emerald! That’s right the 2013 Pantone Color of the Year is Emerald Green. Whoop!


As someone born in May, I cannot tell you how much this delights me. I love, love, love Emerald. Not just because it’s my birthstone, but because it’s such a sophisticated and luxurious color. This is how Pantone describes it–

Lively. Radiant. Lush… A color of elegance and beauty that enhances our sense of well-being, balance and harmony.”

How awesome is that?!

One of the things that I love about Emerald is that it’s refined, but yet still universal. Translation: it looks amazing on everyone. Seriously. It doesn’t matter if you’re a blonde beauty like Gwyneth…



…Or a brunette bombshell like Mila.



Somehow, it just works on everyone. And everything. Like how much cuter would my arm be if it was carrying this adorable Reed Krakoff Leather tote?



Personally, I think your neck would look stunning with this Emerald bib necklace from Bauble Bar draped around it. Don’t you agree?



I also adore Emerald’s versatility. It works just as well for the home as it does in fashion. I’m digging these green bookshelves seen on, courtesy of designer Brian Patrick Flynn. It makes such a statement, without being annoying or fussy.



I also like the DIY approach blogger Natty-By-Design took. A little Emerald green paint took her old seemingly outdated desk from drab to fab!



Sorry, Kermit… but as it turns out, it is easy being green! I can’t wait to rock this color in my wardrobe and in my home in 2013. What about you guys? Are you ready to go green?

Now, back to my holiday shopping… where the only green I’m seeing is the $$ leaving my wallet. ‘Tis the season! :)




This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Amanda says:

    Oh goodness, Rachel. I’ve been eagerly awaiting the color of the year announcement too. 2013 is already looking up with the choice of Pantone 17-5641 Emerald Green. And how cute is that green desk? Thanks for the fun post to remind us 2013 is just around the corner.

  2. Beans says:

    I’ve always loved green, my shade preferences might change but it’s always earthy, soothing, and fabulous.