Can You Relate?

Can You Relate? I have a black thumb!

Can You Relate? I have a black thumb!

Hey party people! Every month here on Creative Home, I post a “Can You Relate?” post. I give you a statement or picture, and you tell me if you can relate.   This is such an unfortunate issue in my…

Can You Relate? Grocery Store Runs

Can You Relate? Grocery Store Runs

Hey party people! If you’ve ever cooked a day in your life, you probably can relate to this…   You’re ready to make a grocery store run. You’ve got your list. You’ve got your coupons. You probably even have your…

Can You Relate? The Awkward Silence

Can You Relate? The Awkward Silence

Hey friends! … … …   Well, that was awkward. Ha. Can you relate to this situation? You’re at a party and you’re chit-chatting away with a new acquaintance and then suddenly…out of nowhere…comes…nothing! Silence. Then that nervous feeling in…

Can You Relate? Pinterest #Fail

Can You Relate? Pinterest #Fail

Hey party people! We’re beginning a new feature here on At Creative Home. It’s called, “Can You Relate?” I’ll post a statement or share a story and you let me know if you can relate. I asked the Parties for…