Archive for December, 2012

Style Watch: Emerald Green

Style Watch: Emerald Green

11 days until Christmas. Not that you needed me to remind you that Dec. 25th is almost here. I see you and your crazy Elf-on-the-Shelf, Chippy. You two are working overtime. There’s shopping, baking, ornament-making. You’re all over it! I…

DIY Homemade Ornaments

DIY Homemade Ornaments

Have you ever finished up your giant turkey leg on Thanksgiving day and immediately felt the flush of Santa fever? You put your plate in the sink, get a quick night’s sleep, wake up, nearly forget your pants, run to…

Holiday Hot Cider Bar

Holiday Hot Cider Bar

The holiday season is in full swing: twinkling lights, pine needles, Christmas music, gift wrapping, crowded shopping malls, pageants, sugar cookies and hot drinks! I don’t know about you but I love every minute of it. But those minutes add up…

Alternatives to Traditional Wreaths

Alternatives to Traditional Wreaths

For some, Holiday decorations begin at the front door.  A wreath can say a lot about your style. While there are numerous greenery filled lovelies for the season, here are a few alternatives that might have your guests saying “Hello!”…