Archive for February, 2013

I am in the Mood for Color

I am in the Mood for Color

Spring is almost here, & I know I am anxiously anticipating its arrival.  The warmer weather, the cool breezes, the flowers blooming… these are all reasons why I consider Spring my favorite season.  After the cool dreary winter months, I long for…

Can You Relate? Pinterest #Fail

Can You Relate? Pinterest #Fail

Hey party people! We’re beginning a new feature here on At Creative Home. It’s called, “Can You Relate?” I’ll post a statement or share a story and you let me know if you can relate. I asked the Parties for…

Fun & Easy Valentine Ideas for Kids

Fun & Easy Valentine Ideas for Kids

Hello everyone! Happy Fat Tuesday. I’ve been in a whirl wind of meetings and haven’t had a chance to pop in and say hello in awhile. How is it already Valentine’s Day?   I feel like I just wished you…

Valentines Bouquet

Valentines Bouquet

Hey party people! Happy love month! I adore Valentines Day! It could be my love of pink, red and every girly color imaginable. It could be the fact that chocolate is usually involved. It could be the fact that walking…