Bringing the Outdoors In
I am a big fan of bringing the outdoors in & think natural elements should be incorporated into every space. Whether it’s real or a good faux (not those bad fake flowers & trees… you know what I am talking…
I am a big fan of bringing the outdoors in & think natural elements should be incorporated into every space. Whether it’s real or a good faux (not those bad fake flowers & trees… you know what I am talking…
One of the latest trends in interior design is going dark. I mean really dark. Black walls have become one of the must have looks in 2013. Deep & dramatic, these spaces can take on a wide array of looks….
Spring is almost here, & I know I am anxiously anticipating its arrival. The warmer weather, the cool breezes, the flowers blooming… these are all reasons why I consider Spring my favorite season. After the cool dreary winter months, I long for…
Love doesn’t have to be expressed only one day day a year. And it doesn’t have to come in the typical shape & form either. Spreading the LOVE can be as easy as adding a decorative pillow to your home….
Happy New Year!!! Personally I am so glad that it is 2013. A new year means a fresh start. Anything can happen & creativity can strike at any moment. What better way to start the year than getting all of…
For some, Holiday decorations begin at the front door. A wreath can say a lot about your style. While there are numerous greenery filled lovelies for the season, here are a few alternatives that might have your guests saying “Hello!”…
Tis the season to start wrapping. With a few tips & tricks you too can have a package worthy of the “That’s too pretty to open!” remark. Tip 1: Buy Good Paper A good paper is one that is a…
With the upcoming holiday season just a cold breeze away, it’s time to reconsider how you go about decorating your home for the holidays. Gone are the days of the traditional red & green decor. You work hard to create…