
Personalize Your Party Favors

Happy New Year! Hope 2013 is off to a great start for you!

This year is already starting with a bang, or should I say a bell? Wedding bells, to be exact.

In April, my sister (and best friend) is getting married. Having your sister get married is more fun than your own wedding. You get to enjoy the fun of wedding planning minus the stress.

And since my sis visited a champagne bar when she was in Chicago and loved it…guess what? Yep, I’m going to throw her a champagne-themed wedding shower later this month! I love her so much (but not as much as my husband). I love parties. And I love throwing parties that recreate great experiences! [Ahem, sorry about that – can you tell who edits my blog post?]

For the shower favors:  champagne glasses!  The favors provide the guests with their own glass, etched with their initial so that they can keep track of it. They’ll be able to reuse the stylish favor and of course, remember the experience for years.

Etching glass is very easy, inexpensive and creates unique personal gifts. Etched gifts are perfect for host/hostess, wedding, birthday and even Christmas gifts.

Here’s what you need to get started:

You can use wine glasses, beer mugs, wine decanters, glass frames, casserole dishes or other serving dishes. You’ll also need the etching cream, which you can find at most craft stores.

  • Use either a paintbrush or Q-tip to apply the etching cream.
  • For the stencil, I used my Cricut to cut out a 2-inch letter onto vinyl. I’ve also used homemade stencils that I created from painters tape (Frog tape works best).
  • Put the painters tape on wax paper (depending on the size of the letter, I’d add several strips to create width), traced the letter, cut it out with an X-Acto knife and peeled the tape off the wax paper and placed onto the glass surface.


  • Press firmly on the vinyl or tape to ensure that all the air bubbles are out and it has adhered to the glass.



  • With your paintbrush or Q-tip, apply the etching cream.
  • Wait 10 minutes and rinse away the etching cream with water. Pull up the vinyl/tape and you have your personalized glass.


If you want to see how my sister’s champagne-themed bridal shower turns out, follow me at

There’s just one thing I’d like to say to start your year off right…

…Party On!


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Amanda says:

    This is such a great idea, Heidi. I can’t wait to see how your sisters shower turns out, and I will be using this for gifts this year. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Rachel says:

    My sister is getting married this year, too… not until the fall though. I may have to steal this idea (and many others of yours)! Thanks for sharing!