
Driftwood Mirror Tutorial

Is it just me or is it beginning to look a lot like summer!? Can you feel it in the air? When I think of summer, I think of the sunshine, the beach and anything nautical! This past weekend I was fortunate enough to spend a few days up at my Grandparent’s beach cabin, and I couldn’t help but take advantage of all the free ‘crafting supplies’ I found on the beach. After taking a long walk looking for treasures, I ended up with a handful of beautiful pieces of driftwood. I love looking at all of the different sizes and shapes and wondering where it all came from.

I decided to take my treasures and create a fun Driftwood Mirror for the cabin (or maybe for my home, I haven’t decided yet!). This fun piece could be used as a piece of modern decor or used in a beach themed space and is very inexpensive to make.

Supply List:

- Square Mirror ( I found this Ikea mirror for $.25 at a garage sale!)

- Small Pieces of Driftwood

- White Acrylic Paint and accent color of your choice

- Paint Brush

- Hot Glue


I started by giving the mirror one base coat of white acrylic paint to brighten it up.

Next comes the hardest part of the project, trying to fit the pieces together. It’s like putting together a puzzle and I must say it’s a little therapeutic! I laid all of my pieces out first and then hot glued them in place.

As much as I love mixing natural elements with bright white, I thought this project just needed a little burst of color though. I went with a Blue Bahama to give it that little modern twist.

So next time you are on a beach, keep an eye out for hidden treasures!

Have you made anything beach themed lately?


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Jordan says:

    I’ve always wanted to make one of these! Collecting treasures at the beach is so much fun, and I love being able to use these treasures as actual decor in my home. I’d say my best beach find has been my collection of sea glass. I had read in a book that one of the most rare colors you’ll ever find is red, and that a lot of it comes from these beer bottles from the 1950′s. Well, I took a trip to one of the best places to collect sea glass, and what did I find? A smooth red piece that I could tell was half of the neck of one of those old beer bottles! Treasure indeed.