
Pinterest #Fail

Hey party people!

We’re beginning a new feature here on At Creative Home. It’s called, “Can You Relate?” I’ll post a statement or share a story and you let me know if you can relate.

I asked the Parties for Pennies facebook followers how many hours per week they spent on Pinterest. Most said between 2 to 3 hours. Oh that beautiful vast board of ideas and inspiration. The brilliant organization tool that makes us swoon. All the pretty pictures, the food that always makes us crave chocolate-chip cookie covered oreos and the memes. The memes that have made more than one woman laugh out loud in the middle of her workday.

With our infatuation with Pinterest, come our best-laid efforts at trying to recreate those pinned masterpieces. Thus was born the Pinterest fail!

Instead of a work of art, we’re left with an unrecognized pile of craft accessories or ingredients. Thankfully, someone was thoughtful enough of our self-esteem to create a site dedicated to the laughable Pinterest fails!

My own Pinterest fail came due to a mere glance at a Pinterest dessert recipe. I saw the picture and thought, “I can recreate this chocolate and strawberry mousse-filled cake on my own…without the recipe.” As you can see, I nailed it.

I made this cake for a Bachelor finale viewing party. The cake to the right of it was what I actually ended up bringing. Most girls wouldn’t care. They’d grab a spoon and dig in but it was my pride that made me purchase the candy bar cake on the right. Our tummies were extremely grateful.

So…here’s the statement: “I have experienced a Pinterest fail and lived to tell about it.” Can YOU Relate?

Feel free to share in the comment section below!

P.S. We are not the Pinterest Project police. You will not be judged, mocked or publicly scorned. We may laugh WITH you but we’re all in the same boat! Just keep creating!

Until next time…Party On!

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Aileen says:

    Thank you for this post Heidi, I can definitely relate! To celebrate my boyfriend’s birthday I found a recipe off of Pinterest, a delicious “egg in the basket” treat. It seemed easy enough, it was a piece of toast with a heart in the middle and a egg inside. It actually ended in a fail looking more like just a fried egg on a piece of toast. I tried to carve out the heart, but no such luck! So yes I have experienced a Pinterest #fail!

    • Heidi Rew says:

      Ha Aileen…I love that story! Did you tell him that you just get all gushy around him & THAT’s what it’s symbolizing?! :p

  2. Yvette says:

    I can’t say that I’ve gotten a Pinterest fail – but with all the recipes that I want to “try”, I am sure that eventually I will have one!!! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Jdavis0692 says:

    I tried to make this chicken with green beans and potatoes recipe where you throw it all into the casserole dish and shove it into the oven. Not a bad idea, but when the recipe calls for two whole lemons to be sliced and laid on the bottom, you tend to wonder how strong the food will be of lemon juice. Well, it was very strong. In fact, so strong I couldn’t even eat anymore than the first bite, which had my lips puckered and twisted in all sorts of directions. Needless to say, when it seems to good to be true, it probably is!!

    • Heidi Rew says:

      My lips literally just puckered up when I read your story! I did a recipe similar to that recently except it called for a reasonable amount of lemons but a cray cray amount of garlic. We went through a lot of toothpaste after that meal. ;p Thanks for sharing your story!

  4. Lolly Jane says:

    Honestly, I think Pinterest needs to have some of these fancy looking pins pass a liar detector before they can pin! Haha! Awesome post (;