Fun & Easy Valentine Ideas for Kids
Hello everyone! Happy Fat Tuesday.
I’ve been in a whirl wind of meetings and haven’t had a chance to pop in and say hello in awhile. How is it already Valentine’s Day?
I feel like I just wished you a Happy New Year. Oh yeah, that is the last time I said “hi”. Sorry about that!
Anyway, you haven’t been far from my mind. I’ve had dozens of thoughts to share with you all, but they mainly stay in my head. Between all the fun we have at Mohawk and all the fun I have with my family, it’s hard to find time to stop and sit with you guys. I’m a deadline kinda gal! I’ll fess up. Typically type A– I arrive right on time, and like to squeeze as much into every minute as possible.
So… that leads to this post. Tomorrow is my little girls preschool Valentine party. She is just 2.5 and goes three half days. We were going to make Valentine cards over the weekend, but we had a chance to hang out with family, go flying, have a family photo shoot (my little man has the cutest two front teeth, but now his incisors are coming in, and I wanted to get photos with just his buck teeth– Can you relate?), go to church, and squeeze in a date night. Have you seen Argo? Fun movie, and at a very tense moment towards the end they mentioned Pace Academy, which is a prep school in Atlanta. The lady beside me started shrieking… “my sons graduated from there!”. It was funny, and totally took us out of the moment. I would say it took at least two rows out- she was so excited.
Anyway, I wanted to share some fun ideas for Valentine cards that are perfect for young children.
Modern Mom had a cute idea that just needed a couple of items
- Construction Paper
- Lollipops
- Flower Template ()
- Scissors
- Pencil
- Double-sided tape
How adorable is this idea? Everyone loves Goldfish, right? I thought about making this and saying, “I’m glad we are in the same school.” Get it? School…
This idea was also in the running, but then I thought about all the sugar in the Starbursts. Not a good idea to pass out at school, or we will have an overwhelmed teacher.
I loved making friendship bracelets when I was younger and think this will be a perfect valentine to make with my girl in a couple more years. She hasn’t quite mastered braiding yet. Here is the full post on how to create these cute valentines.
While I was browsing around I stumbled across this Astronaut themed valentine, so I’ll have to keep it in mind when my son is in school.
I have been browsing Pinterest for some ideas. So many are adorable, but when I stumbled across the idea of using Cutie Clementines for Valentine Cards, it felt perfect.

We keep candy and sweets to a minimum in our house, and nothing is more yummy then Clemintines. So on my way home from work I picked up some Cuties, and here is my twist on a Valentine using cuties.
You need will only need a couple of supplies:
- Sandwhich Bags
- Computer & Printer
- Cuties
- Stapler
- Scissors
- Valentine Stickers (Key for my daughter)
In hindsight I would have picked up card stock, but considering this is the night before, they came together nicely. Tomorrow before school we’ll put the stickers on the rest of her cards. That is the best part! When you are 2, nothing is better than stickers — except maybe candy!
How do you celebrate Valentine’s Day with your children?
What a great idea, Amanda! I love that this is both adorable AND healthy… which is a major accomplishment when it comes to Valentine’s Day. Still laughing over your Argo story. It’s such a good movie, isn’t it! I’m still sad that Mr. Affleck wasn’t nominated for an Oscar for directing.